Ganesha Moola mantra: Om Gam Ganapataye Namah.
Ganesha Vedic Mantra: Om Sreem Hreem Kleem Gloum Gam Ganapataye Varavarada Sarva Janam Me Vasamaanaya Swaa Haa
Ganesha Gayatri Mantra: Om Vakratundaya Vidmahe Vighnarajaya Dheemahi Tanno Danti Prachodayat.
Suklambaradaram Vishnum Sasivarnam Chathurbhujam Prasannavadanam Dhyayet Sarva Vugnopashantayet.
Shree Mahaganapathim Dhyayami. Avahayame. Mahaganapataye namah. Asanam samarpayami. Padyam samarpayami. Arghyam samarpayami . Achamaneeyam samarpayami . Madhuparkam samarpayami . Snanam samarpayami . Achamaneeyam samarpayami . Vastralamkaram samarpayami . Yegyopaveetham samarpayami. Gandham dharayami .
Om Sumukhaya namah
Om Ekadantaya namah
Om Kapilaya namah
Om Gajakarnikaya namah
Om Lambodaraya namah
Om Vikataya namah
Om Vignarajaya namah
Om Vinayakaya namah
Om Dhumaketave namah
Om Ganadhyakshaya namah
Om Phalachandraya namah
Om Gajananaya namah
Om Vakratundaya namah
Om Surpakarnaya namah
Om Herambaya namah
Om Skandapoorvajaya namah
Om Mahaganapate namah
Nanavidha parimala patra pushpani samarpayami.
Om Ganapataye namah. Mahaganapati sripadukayam poojayami tarpayami namah (3 times)
Mahaganapataye namah dhupam agrapayami, deepam darsayami, nivedyam samarpayami Madya madya paniyam, uttaraposhanam, hasta prakshalanam, pada prakshalanam, achamaneeyam, tambulancha samarpayami. Karpura Neerajanam darsayami.
Om Tatpurushaya vidmahay Vakratunadaya dheemahi tannodanti prachodayat. Mahaganapataye namah.
Mantrapushpam samarpayami.
Pradikshana namaskaram samarpayami.
Samasta rajopachara, devopacharan samarpayami.
Anaya poojaya bhagavan sarva devatmaka sree ganapati supreeta suprasanno varado bhavatu.
Soorya Pooja
Sun’s sloka:
Javaa Kusuma Sankaasham Kashyapeyam Maha Dhyutim
Tamorim Sarva Paapghnam Pranato-smi Divakaram
Surya Beja mantra: Om hram hrim hraum sah suryaya namah.
Aadhyarudham rathendram Vasudala sahite vrutta shatkona madhye
Bhaswatam Bhaskarantam Subhadamasi gada shanka chakrabja yugmam
Vedakaram Trimurtim Trividhanayagunam Viswarupam puranam.
Hram Hreem Hroomkara rupaam Suranutamanisham bhavayet dhrutsyaroje.
Adityam dhyayami, Avahayami, Aditya namah Asanam samarpayami, Padyam samarpayami, Arghyam samarpayami, Achamaneeyam samarpayami, Madhuparkam samarpayami, Snanam samarpayami, Achamaneeyam samarpayami, Vastralamkaram samarpayami, Yagyopaveetam samarpayami, Gandham dharayami.
Om Mitraya namah
Om Ravaye namah
Om Suryaya namah
Om Bhanave namah
Om Khagaya namah
Om Pushne namah
Om Hiranyagarbhaya namah
Om Marichaye namah
Om Adityaya namah
Om Savitre namah
Om Arkaya namah
Om Bhaskaraya namah
Om Adityaya namah nanavidha parimala patra pushpani samarpayami.
Om Adityaya namah Adityayam shree padukam poojayami tarpayami namah(3 times).
Adityaya namah Dhupam agrapayami, Deepam darsayami, Nivedyam samarpayami, madhye madhye paneeyam, Uttaraposhanam, Hastaprkshalanam, Padaprakshalanam, Achamaneeyam, Tambulamcha samarpayami.
Karpooraneerajanam darshayami.
Om Bhaskaraya Vidmahe Mahadyutikaraya dheemahee tanno Aditya prachodayat.
Adityaya namah mantrapushpam samarpayami.
Pradikshana namaskaram samarpayami.
Samasta rajopachara, devopacharan samarpayami.
Anaya poojaya bhagavan sarvadevatmaka aditya supreeta suprasanno
varado bhavatu.
The following is a simple to perform Shiva puja.
Moole Kalpadrumasya Druta Kanaka Nibhamcharu Padmasanastam
Vamamkaruda Gowrinbidakucha Bharabhoga Gadopagudam
Nana(Sarva)lamkara kantam Vara Parasumruga Bheetihastam trinetram
Vande Balendu Moulim Gajavadana guha slishta parswam Mahesam.
Sambaparameswaram dhyayami, Avahayami, Parameswaraya namah, Asanam samarpayami, Padyam samarpayami, Arghyam samarpayami, Achamaneeyam samarpayami, Madhuparkam samarpayami, Snanam samarpayami, Achamaneeyam samarpayami, Vastralakaram samarpayami, Yegnopaveetam samarpayami, Gandhan dharayami.
Om Bhavaya Devaya namah
Om Sarvaya Devaya namah
Om Eesanaya Devaya namah
Om Pasupataye Devaya namah
Om Rudraya Devaya namah
Om Ugraya Devaya namah
Om Bhimaya Devaya namah
Om Mahate Devaya namah
Parameswaraya namah Nanavidha parimala patra pushpan samarpayami, Om Haim, Hreem, Sreem Panchakshari Samba parameswara Shree Padukam poojayami tarpayami namah(3 times)
Parameswaraya namah, Dhupam agrapayami, Deepam darsayami, Nivedyam samrpayami, madya madya paneeyam samrpayami, Uttaraposhanam samrpayami, Hastaprakshalanam, Padaprakshalanam, Achamaneeyam, Tambulamcha samarpayami, Karpura Neerajanam samarpayami.
Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Mahadevaya Dhimahi Tanno Rudra Prachodayat. Parameswaraya namah Mantrapushpam samarpayami. Pradikshina namaskaram samarpayami, Samasta Rajopachara, Devopacharan samarpayami. Anaya Poojaya Bhagavan Sarvadevatmakah Sambaparameswara Supreeta Suprasanno bhavatu.
Abhishta sidhim medehi Saranagata Vastale
Bhaktwa samarpaye tubhyam chaturayata narchanam .
Om Namo Bhagavate Rudraya
Book a Shiva Pooja
According to Linga Purana once Brahma and Vishnu started fighting over who was the supreme being. Suddenly, there appeared a Sivalinga before them as a huge column of fire. Both of them decided to find one end each. Whoever returned first would be acknowledged as supreme. Vishnu assumed the form of a boar and went down. Brahma, in the form of a swan, flew upwards. They searched for days but in vain. Then Shiva appeared in the fiery column. Brahma and Vishnu realised their mistake and acknowledged Shiva as the Supreme Being. The Shivalinga represents that column of fire as 12 Jyotirlingas.
There are 12 famous Jyotirlingas where Lord Shiva appeared in the form of light (Jyothi) lingam. These have been worshipped from time immemorial. They are mentioned in the Dwadasa Jyotirlinga Stotra given here.
The Dwadasa Jyotirlinga Stotra
Saurashtre Somanaatham Cha
Sree Shaile Mallikarjunam
Ujjayinyaam Mahaakaalam
Omkaare Mamaleswaram
Himalaye to Kedaram
Daakinyaam Bhimashankaram
Vaaranaasyaam cha Viswesam
Trayambakam Gowtameethate
Paralyaam Vaidyanaatham cha
Naagesam Daarukaavane
Setubandhe Ramesham
Grushnesam cha Shivaalaye
Devi Pooja
There are many types of Devi worships, the highest and the most coveted one being the worship of Devi in the Shree Chakra with the Highly guarded Shodasakshari mantra. Given below is a very simple but very effective Devi pooja which every one can perform daily. Those interested is the Shree Chakra pooja will find it in the poojas page.
Sinduraruna vigraham trinayanam manikyamauli sphurat
Tara nayaka shekharam smitamukhi mapina vakshoruham
Panibhyamalipoorna ratna chashakam raktotpalam bibhratim
Saumyam ratna ghatastha raktacharanam dhyayet paramambikam
Om Tripuradevi namah – dhyayami
Om Tripureshidevi namah – avahayami
Om Tripurasundaridevi namah – asanam samarpayami
Om Tripuravasinidevi namah – padyam samarpayami
Om Tripurashridevi namah – arghyam dharayami
Om Tripuramalinidevi namah – achamanam samarpayami
Om Tripurasigdhadevi namah – snanam samarpayami
Om Tripurambadevi namah – vastrayugmama samarpayami
Om Mahatripurasundaridevi namah – aabharanam samarpayami
Om Mahamaheswaridevi namah – gandham dharayami
Om Mahamaharagyidevi namah – pushpani pujayami
Om Mahamahashaktidevi namah – dhupam aghrapayami
Om Mahamahaguptadevi namah – deepam darshayami
Om Mahamahagyaptadevi namah – naivedyam samarpayami
Om Mahamahanandadevi namah – tambulam samarpayami
Om Mahamahaskandadevi namah neerajanam samarpayami
Om Mahamahashayadevi namah – mantrapushpam samarpayami
Om Mahamahashrichakranagarasmragyidevi namah – atmapradikshina namaskaram
Sadhuva sadhuva karma yadyadacharitam maya
Tatsarvam krupayadevi gruhanaaradhanam mama
Devanatha guruswamin desikaswatmanayaka
Trahi trahi krupa sindho pujam poornataram kuru..
Vishnu Pooja
Santakaram Bhujagasayanam Padmanabham Suresam
Viswakaram Gaganasadrusam Meghavarnam Subhangam
Lakshmikantam Kamalanayanam Yogi bhirdhyanagamyam.
Vande Vishnum Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokykanadham.
Shree Mahavishnum Dhyayami, Avahayami, Mahavishnavenamah Ashanam samarpayami, Padyam samarpayami, Arghyam samarpayami, Achamaneeyam samarpayami, Madhuparkam samarpayami, Snanam samarpayami, Achamaneeyam samarpayami, Vastralakaram samarpayami, Yegnopaveetam samarpayami, Gandhan dharayami.
Om Kesavaya namah
Om Narayanaya namah
Om Madhavaya namah
Om Govindaya namah
Om Vishnave namah
Om Madhusudanaya namah
Om Trivikramaya namah
Om Vamanaya namah
Om Sridharaya namah
Om Hrushikesaya namah
Om Padmanabhaya namah
Om Damodaraya namah
Om Mahavishnave namah
Nanavidha parimala patra pushpan samarpayami, Om Haim, Hreem, Sreem Ashtakshari Mahavishnu Shree Padukam poojayami tarpayami namah.(3 times)
Mahavishnave namah, Dhupam agrapayami, Deepam darsayami, Nivedyam samrpayami, madya madya paneeyam samrpayami, Uttaraposhanam samrpayami, Hastaprakshalanam, Padaprakshalanam, Achamaneeyam, Tambulamcha samarpayami, Karpura Neerajanam samarpayami.
Om Narayanaya Vidmahe Vasudevaya Dhimahi Tanno Vishnu Prachodayat. Mahavishnave namah Mantrapushpam samarpayami. Pradikshina namaskaram samarpayami, Samasta Rajopachara, Devopacharan samarpayami. Anaya Poojaya Bhagavan Sarvadevatmakah Shree Mahavishnu Supreeta Suprasanno varado bhavatu.
In the Padma Purana Lord Siva declares the greatness of Saligrama Shila as follows:
Mallinga Kotibhi Drsthi Yad Phalam Pujiti
Saligrama Sila Yamtu Ekasyam Iva Tad Bhaved
The merit obtained by seeing and worshipping hundreds of thousands of My Lingams, is equivalent to that obtained by worshipping one single Salagram shila (stones).
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Most of these are either natural products or hand made products and hence there will be so minor difference in size shape colour etc. and they cannot match the photographs 100%
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Regular Silas (Vishnu)
Golden Sila
Sudarshana Shaligrama
Lakshmi Narayana Shila
Ganesha Shila
Lakshmi Shila
Shivalinga Shila
Devi Shila
Varaha Shila
Kurma Shila
Hayagreeva Shila
Matsya Shila
Manasa Sarovar Shila
Rare Janardhana Shila
Rare special Shilas
Saligrama Jewelry
Sri Chakra Pooja
Sri Chakra (Sri Yantra) Pooja
Shree chakra with the correct colours. Contact Gems Of Yoga at 043315161 for a big picture.
“Om Aim Hreem Shreem Sri Lalita Tripurasundari Padukam Poojayami Namah”
Chakra pooja or Yantra pooja is the worship of a deity in a diagrammatic form. This type of worship exists in a lot of the other parts of the world also.
The worship of Devi in Shreechakra is regarded as the highest form of the Devi worship. Originally Lord Shiva gave 64 Chakras and their Mantras to the world, to attain various spiritual and material benefits. For his consort Devi he gave the Shreechakra and the highly coveted and the most powerful Shodashakshari mantra, which is the equivalent of all the other 64 put together.
It is said that in the beginning God, who was one, wanted to become many and enjoy himself. As the first step to creation he created Devi – the total cosmic Female force. For the male part, out of his left he created Shiva, out of his middle he created Brahma and out of his right he created Vishnu. That is why many regard the Devi as more powerful than the Trinities and hence She is called Parashakti or Paradevi – Para meaning beyond . Brahma created the universe.
Vishnu controls and runs the universe. Shiva along with Shakti is engaged in the eternal dissolution and recreation of the universe. The Bindu in the center of the Shreechakra is the symbolic representation of the cosmic spiritual union of Shiva and Shakti. Apart from that the Shreechakra also embodies countless number of deities and represents the whole of creation. Hence by worshipping the Devi in Shreechakra one is actually worshipping the highest ultimate force in the Tantrik form.
The Shodashakshari mantra is one of the most guarded secretes of tantra. Usually the Guru gives it to a highly deserving and tested disciple. Very few get it. Even in the Mantra Shastra, where all other mantras are openly and clearly given, the Shodashakshari Mantra is not directly given. Several hints about the mantra are given and you are asked to get the mantra if you are capable and deserving. The opening versus of the mantra shastra chapter on Shreechakra says, “Your head can be given, your soul can be given but the Shodashakshari Mantra of the Devi can not be given”.
Various books and websites on Shreechakra have published what the publishers thought is the Shodashakshari Mantra. Let me make it clear that those who know it will never publish it and those who publish it do not know it. So don’t waste your full moon nights chanting those long mantras.
However, Shreechakra can also be worshipped by other Devi mantras. There are several traditions of the worshipping the Shreechakra. We are giving here a very simple and still very effective pooja of Shreechakra. It is known as the Shreechakra Navavarana pooja as per the Khadgamala Vidhi. For all round spiritual and material benefits it is a highly effective pooja. Any one can perform it.
If you cannot do a detailed worship, simply worship the Sri Yantra 108 times with the simple Devi Mantra:
“Om Aim Hreem Shreem Sri Lalita Tripurasundari Padukam Poojayami Namah”
Or better still with the Panchadasakshari Mantra, which is one of the greatest mantras of Devi and next only to the Shodasi Mantra:
“Ka E i La Hreem – Ha Sa Ka Ha La Hreem – Sa Ka La Hreem”
Listen to this mantra:
The Basics of Sri Yantra: Before starting the worship it is advisable to know about the way the Sri Yantra is constructed, what all it represents, about the 9 Avaranas, the deities, their gunas and significance, so that your worship is more meaningful. The following are the authentic details as given in various Tantra & Mantra scriptures.
Five downward pointing triangles representing Devi intersect with four upward pointing triangles representing Siva, forming 43 triangles including the central triangle.
From the five Shakti triangles comes creation and from the four Shiva triangles comes the dissolution. The union of five Shaktis and four Fires causes the chakra of creation to evolve.
At the centre of the bindu of the Shri Yantra is Kamakala, which has three bindus. One is red, one is white and one is mixed. The red bindu is Kurukulla the Female form, the white bindu is Varahi the Male form, and the mixed bindu is the union of Shiva & Shakti – the individual as the potential Shri Cakra. Varahi, the father-form, gives four dhatus to the child and Kurukulla, the mother-form, gives five dhatus to the child. Theses represent the nine dhatus of the human body.
Varahi’s four fires are the 12 (4 x 3) sun Kalas, the 12 Zodiac constellations. Kurukulla’s five triangles are the 15 (5 x 3) Kalas of the moon, 15 lunar Tithis.
These nine triangles also represent the nine stages of growth of the human child in the womb.Surrounding the 43 triangles formed by the intersection of the nine triangles is the 16 petals circle. Surrounding the 16 petal circle is an 8 petal circle. After that the 3 lines and at the outermost part of the Sriyantra there are 3 lines called the Bhupura.
The 43 triangles constitute the six inner sections called Avaranas, the two circles of petals are two more avaranas and the Bhupura of 3 lines is the last Avarana.
These 9 Avaranas of the Sri Yantra have various presiding Devis. They are the Devi’s Parivar (retinue) of total 108. In the Srichakra pooja they are systematically worshipped one by one with their names and mantras. The presiding Deity of Srichakra, Devi, is Known as Lalita Tripura Sundari. The form of Devi Kamakshi of Kancheepuram is the closest resemblance of the Devi as described in the scriptures.
Click to see picture.
Lalita means The One Who Plays. All creation, manifestation and dissolution is considered to be a play of Devi. Tri-Pura means the three worlds and Sundari means beauty. She is the transcendent beauty of the three worlds.
Tripura also signifies:- She is the ruler of the the three gunas of Satva, Rajas and Tamas; and sun, moon and fire – the zodiac and the planets, and therefore Time itself; She is also “tripura” as Will (Iccha), Knowledge (Jnana) and Action (Kriya). She is also “tripura” as intellect, feelings & physical sensation; and She is triple as the three states of the soul – awakening, dreaming and -sleeping states. Her five triangles also represent the Pancha Tatwas and the Pancha Bhootas. (This is what the verse in Lalita Sahasranama means by -”Panchami pancha bhuteshi pancha sankhyopacharini “. It is difficult to say what She is not.
Lalita holds five flowery arrows, noose, goad and bow. The noose represents attachment, the goad represents repulsion, the sugarcane bow represents the mind and the flowery arrows are the five sense objects.
Next >The Nine Avaranas & Sri Yantra Pooja
Sri Chakra (Sri Yantra) Pooja
The Nava Avaranas (Nine Corridors) of the Sri Yantra
Sri Chakra worship is one of the most guarded secrets of tantra and the Sri Yantra is the most guarder Yantra.
Nairutaicha Ganeshanaam Sooryam Vayuvya eevacha
Eeshane Vishnu Agneye Shivamchaiva prapoojayet
When you sit facing the east and with the tip of the top triangle pointing at you, at the bottom right hand side corner of the Shreechakra is guarded by Lord Ganesha. The bottom left hand side corner is guarded by Lord Surya. The top left side corner is guarded by Lord Vishnu and the top right corner of the Shreechakra is guarded by Lord Shiva. They must be worshipped before starting the Pooja of the Nava-Avaranas.
After that the eight primordial directions are guarded by the eight Lokapalas. Indra guards the East, Agni guards the South East, Yama guards the South, Nirriti guards the South West, Varuna guards the West, Vayu guards the North East, Soma guards the North and Ishana guards the North East.
As if this is not enough, each of the first eight Avaranas are guarded by eight Bhairavas and eight Bhairavis! What is more these 64 pairs of Bhairavas & Bhairavis are assisted by 10 million yoginis each – total 640 million (64 crores). This is what the verse in Lalita Sahasranama says –”Maha chatu-shshashti-koti yogini ganasevita ..”
Yes. Reaching Her is a bit difficult!
The nine avaranas as per Mantra Mahodadhi
The First Avarana – 3 lines
The 3 lines of the 1st Avarana & the position of the various deities
The outermost 3 lines known as Bhupura form the first Avarana of the Sri Yantra. This is known as the Trilokya Mohana Chakra and the worshiper knowing its inner secrets can mesmerise the 3 worlds. It is ruled by a Yogini Devi called Prakata Yogini. The Deity of this is Tripura. The beeja of this Avarana is Am Aam Sauh. The gem is topaz. The time is 24 minutes (360 breaths).The mudra to be shown is Kshobha Mudra.
The 1st line: The Outer line (of the 3 lines) has 10 Devis known as Siddhi Devis. Their luster is like that of molten gold, they hold the goad in their right hands and the noose in their left hands. They are very auspicious and bestow heaps of gems and jewels to the worshiper. They are placed as shown in the above picture. They are:
O1-Anima Sidhyamba
O2-Laghima Sidhyamba
O3-Mahima Sidhyamba
O4-Ishvita Sidhyamba
O5-Vasitva Sidhyamba
O6-Prakamya Sidhyamba
O7-Bhukti Sidhyamba
O8-Ichha Sidhyamba
O9Prapti Sidhyamba
10-Sarvakama Sidhyamba
The 2nd line: The 2nd or Middle line has eight Matruka Devis. They are bedecked in all ornaments. They hold in their hands Vidya (book), Trident, Shakti, Chakra (Discus), Club, Thunderbolt, Baton & Lotus. They bestow to the worshiper everything desired.
M1-Shree Brahmi Matruka
M2-Shree Maheswari Matruka
M3-Shree Koumari Matruka
M4-Shree Vishnavi Matruka
M5-Shree Varahi Matruka
M6-Shree Mahendri Matruka
M7-Shree Chamunda Matruka
M8-Shree Mahalakshmi Matruka
The 3rd line: The innermost third line has 10 Mudra Shaktis. They are of red hue and rule the various mudras and bestow spiritual boons to the worshiper.
1-Sarvasankshobhini Devi
2-Sarvavidravini Devi
3-Sarvakarshini Devi
4-Sarvavashankari Devi
5-Sarvonmadini Devi
6-Sarvamahankusha Devi
7-Sarvakhechari Devi
8-Sarvabeeja Devi
9-Sarvayoni Devi
10-Sarvatrikhanda Devi
Sri Chakra (Sri Yantra) Pooja
The Nava Avaranas (Nine Corridors) of the Sri Yantra
The 2nd Avarana: is the 16 petals circle known as Sarvaash Paripooraka Chakra meaning the fulfiller of all desires.
The presiding form of Lalita in this Avarana is Tripureshi. She is ornamented with all gems, carries a book and a rosary. The Yogini residing here is called Gupta Yogini. The 16 Devis of this Avarana are called the Nitya Kalas, also Nitya Devis, also Akarshana Devis and also Gupta Yoginis. They are of red hue and each holds a noose, a goad, pot of nectar and make the sign of giving boons. They rule the 16 Sanskrit vowels from a to ah. By worshiping them one gets power over mind, ego, sound, touch, sight, taste, smell, intellect, steadiness, memory, name, growth, etheric body, rejuvenation, and physical body.
The 16 Yoginis represent the 16 vowels of Sanskrit language, and are worshipped with the 16 vowels as their beeja mantras.
The gem of this Avarana is sapphire. The dhatu is chyle (the first product of the disintegration of food by the biological fires). The time is three hours (2700 breaths). The beeja mantra is Aim Klim Sauh.
The Mudra of this Avarana is the Dravini Mudra.
The 16 Devis in sequence are:
# Devi’s name
1. Kamakarshini shakti
2. Budhyakarshini shakti
3. Ahankarakarshini shakti
4. Shabdakarshini shakti
5. Sparshakarshini shakti
6. Rupakarshini shakti
7. Rasakarshini shakti
8. Gandhakarshini shakti
9. Chittakarshini shakti
10. Dhyryakarshini shakti
11. Smrutyakarshini shakti
12. Namakarshini shakti
13. Beejakarshini shakti
14. Atmakarshini shakti
15. Amrutakarshini shakti
16. Sharirakarshini shakti
The 3rd Avarana: is the 8 petal circle known as Sarva Sankshobhana Chakra. The preciding form of Lalita in this Avarana is Tripura Sundari. The Yogini is Guptatara Yogini. She is swaying in a love intoxicated state, with her eyes full of bliss. She smiles with passion and shows the mudras dispelling fears and granting boons.
The eight Devis in each of the eight petals have the colour of Bandhuka flowers. They are holding noose, goad, blue lotus and are dispelling fear. They represent Speech, Holding, Walking, Excreting, Pleasure, Abandoning, Concentration and Detachment. They have the eight Ka class letters as their beejas.
The beeja mantra of this Avarana is Hrim Klim Sauh. The gem is cat’s eye. The dhatu is Flesh. The time is day and night (21600 breaths).
The mudra of this Avarana is Aakarshana Mudra.
The 8 Devis in sequence are:
# Devi’s name
1. Ananga Kusuma shakti
2. Ananga Mekhala shakti
3. Ananga Madana shakti
4. Ananga Madanatura shakti
5. Ananga Rekha shakti
6. Ananga Vegini shakti
7. Anangankusha shakti
8. Ananga Malini shakti
Sri Chakra (Sri Yantra) Pooja
Picture showing the position of the Devis of 4th to 8th avarana
The 4th Avarana: This Avarana of 14 triangles (Outer blue triangles in picture) represents the 14 worlds and the 14 main Nadis in the human body. It is called Sarva Soubhagya Dayak Chakra. The presiding form of the devi is Tripura Vasini. She is red and very beautiful. Fourteen Devis of the triangles are described as being proud, wanton, young, colour of cochineal, ornamented with gems, holding noose, goad, mirror, wine cup full of nectar. They are called Sampradaya Yoginis.
The beeja mantra of this Avarana is Haim Hklim Hsauh. The gem is coral. The dhatu is blood. The time is weekday.
The mudra of this Avarana is Vasya Mudra.
The 14 Devis are
#Devi’s Name
1.Sarvasmkshobhini devi
2.Sarvavidravini devi
3.Sarvakarshini devi
4.Sarvaahladini devi
5.Sarvasammohini devi
6.Sarvasthambhini devi
7.Sarvajrumbhini devi
8.Sarvavashankari devi
9.Sarvaranjani devi
10.Sarvonmadini devi
11.Sarvarthasadhika devi
12.Sarvasampattipurani devi
13.Sarvamantramayi devi
14.Sarvadwandwakshayankari devi
The 5th Avarana: This Avarana of 10 triangles ( red triangles in the picture) is called Sarvarth Sadhaka Chakra. It is own as Bahirdasaram. The presiding aspect of Lalita is Tripurasri. She holds noose goad, a skull and dispels fear. She is of vermilion brightness. The Yoginis are called Kulotteerna Yoginis and also Kula Yoginis. They have the lusture of Japakusuma flowers and are adorned with shining gems and jwels. They are holding noose and goads and showing the gestures of knowledge, and giving boons. They represent the dasavataras and the 10 Vital Fires.
The beeja of this Avarana is Hsshoum, Hleesskhloum, Hssouh. The gem is pearl. The dhatu is Ova/Semen. The time is Lunar Day (tithi).
The Mudra of this Avarana is Unmada Mudra.
#Devi’s Name
1.Sarva Siddhiprada devi
2.Sarvasampatprada devi
3.Sarvapriyankari devi
4.Sarvamangalakarini devi
5.Sarvakamaprada devi
6.Sarvadukhavimochini devi
7.Sarvamrityuprasamani devi
8.Sarvavighnanivarini devi
9.Sarvangasundari devi
10.Sarvasoubhagyadayini devi
The 10 Devis are:
The 6th Avarana: This inner 10 triangle chakra (shown in red in the picture) is called Sarva Rakshakara Chakra and also as Antardasardam. The presiding aspect of Lalita is Tripura Malini. She holds noose and goad, dispels fear, and holds a skull. She is of vermilion brightness. The Yoginis are called Nigarbha Yoginis. They are the colour of 1000 rising suns, adorned with pearls and gems, holding noose, chisel, and showing the gestures of knowledge, and giving boons. They are the saktis of the 10 Vital Fires.
The beeja of this Avarana is Hrim Klim Blem. The gem is emerald. The dhatu is Marrow. The time is Lunar Fortnight.
The Mudra of the Avarana is Mahankusha Mudra.
The 10 Devis are:
# Devi’s Name
1.Sarvagya devi
2.Sarvashakti devi
3.Sarvaswaryapradayini devi
4.Sarvagyanamayi devi
5.Sarvavyadhinivarini devi
6.Sarvadharaswarupa devi
7.Sarvapapahara devi
8.Sarvanandamayi devi
9.Sarvarakshaswarupini devi
10.Sarvepsitaphalaprada devi
The 7th Avarana: This inner 8 triangle chakra (shown in Green in the picture) is called Sarva Rogahara Chakra. The preciding Devi is Tripura Siddhamba. She is described as the Destroyer of Poison. The Yogini is called Ati Rahasya Yogini. The Yoginis are the colour of pomegranate flowers, wearing red clothes, smeared with red scent, each carrying five arrows and a bow. These Devis are the rulers of Cold, Heat, Happiness, Sorrow, Desire, and the three gunas Sattvas, Rajas, Tamas. They are also called the eight Vasinis and rule the eight Sanskrit letter groups. They also represent the Astha Vasus.
The beeja is Hreem, Shreem, Souh. The gem is diamond. The time is month.
The Mudra is Khecari Mudra.
The 8 Devis are:
# Devi’s Name
1.Vasini Vagdevi
2.Kameswari Vagdevi
3.Modini Vagdevi
4.Kamala Vagdevi
5.Aruna Vagdevi
6.Jayini Vagdevi
7.Sarveswari Vagdevi
8.Koushini Vagdevi
The 8th Avarana: This inner 8 triangle chakra (shown in green in the picture) is called Sarva Siddhiprada Chakra. The presiding Devi is Tripuramba. The Yogini here is Ati-Rahasya Yogini. Her Beejamantra is Hsraim Hsrklim Hsrsauh.
She is also known as Sampatprada Bhairavi. She has coppery effulgent, like a 1000 suns, with three eyes, a face like the moon, adorned with white gems, with a beautiful figure, rising swelling breasts, intoxicated, wanton, young, proud, holding book, dispelling fear, holding a rosary and granting boons.
The 3 Devis here are:
Kameshvari is the Rudra Shakti – Parvati. She is white in colour, besmeared with camphor, adorned with pearls and crystal, and various other gems, holding book, rosary, bestowing boons and dispelling fear.
Vajreshi is the Vishnu Shakti – Lakshmi. She is bright as red kumkuma, adorned with flowers and gems, like the dawn sun. Her eyelids are smeared with sapphire dust, she holds sugarcane how, flowery arrows, bestows boons, dispels fear.
Bhagamalini is the Brahma Shakti – Saraswati. She is effulgent as molten gold, adorned with priceless gems, holds noose, goad, and shows the gestures of knowledge and bestowing boons.
The beeja is Hsraim Hsrklim Hsrsauh. The gem of the mandala is Gomaya. The dhatu is Fat. The time is season (two months). The Mudra is the Bija Mudra.
The 9th Avarana: This Avarana is the Bindu – the Cosmic Union of Shiva & Shakti as Kameswari & Kameswara. It is called Sarvanandamaya Chakra. The Yogini is the Queen of Queens, Rajarajeshvari, Her Transcendent Majesty Lalita Maheshvari
The beeja is ka e i la hrim. The gem is ruby. The dhatu is hair. The time is year. The mudra of this Avarana is Yoni Mudra.
Shreechakra Navavarana Pooja as per the Khadgamala vidhi
The basic Rules: Devi worship must be done only after taking bath and wearing clean clothes. As per the rituals to be observed – various pooja books and websites prescribe long preparations and rituals for poojas. It is not possible for every one to perform a pooja like an ordained Vedic priest. Hence our scriptures allow one to do a pooja “Yatha shakti” or as per ones capability and convenience. Doing it with faith is what really matters. The minimum is: light a lamp and an incense stick and offer some prasad – if you don’t have anything at home then simple milk or sugar will do.
People worship the Shreechakra made of various materials and in shades. The simplest and the best one is a clear diagrammatic picture. In the olden days people used to draw the Chakra on various materials. Now you do not have to go through all the trouble. You can use a simple printed one, which is equally effective. We have enclosed one for your benefit at the top. Take a print out of it to worship. Preferably laminate it so that it is not soiled or damaged.
While doing the pooja of the various deities in the Nine Avaranas, you can worship the Chakra with Akshintas (Turmeric rice) or flowers or with Panchamrut. A still better way is to worship the particular Devi in the places indicated in the pictures given in the previous pages.
The Devi is worshipped in many forms and names – Lalita, Katyayani, Kameswari, Kamakshi, Durga, Chandi, Kali, and Amba etc. The closest matching form of the Shodashakshari Devi as described in the scriptures is that off Goddess Kamakshi of Kanchi. You will find it here > Click to see picture.
The Anganyasas and Karanyasa beejas are the purification ritual before the pooja. The basic Anganyasa & Karanyasa are given for the benefit of those who are conversant with this ritual. If you do not know you can omit it.
If you are conversant with the other pooja rituals like Aachamanam, Bhuta Suddhi, Dehasuddhi, Shankha pooja, Kalasha pooja etc., you can perform them before the actual pooja. If you do not know simply offer a prayer to Lord Ganesha and do the pooja. At the end of the pooja offer the following prayer.
“Avahanam najanami, najanami visarjanam,
poojamchaiva najanamani kshamaswa Maheswari.
Yatkrutam yatkarishyami tathsarvam twamarpanam,
poojam poorna phalam kuru”.
Roughly translated it means – “I am not conversant with the Aavahana, visarjana etc.. pooja rituals and hence forgive me. Whatever I have done and I am doing, I am offering to you. Give me full results”.
This pooja, along with the four other poojas that must be performed before that, will take about 45 minutes time but it is more effective than any other pooja both materially and spiritually.
When you sit facing the east and with the tip of the top triangle pointing at you, at the bottom right hand side corner of the Shreechakra resides Lord Ganesha. The bottom left hand side corner resides Lord Surya. The top left side corner resides Lord Vishnu and the top right corner of the Shreechakra resides Lord Shiva. They must be worshipped before starting the Pooja of the Nava-Avaranas.
After that the eight primordial directions are guarded by the eight Lokapalas. Indra guards the East, Agni guards the South East, Yama guards the South, Nirriti guards the South West, Varuna guards the West, Vayu guards the North East, Soma guards the North and Ishana guards the North East.
The Sri Chakra Pooja
Aim Angushtabhyam namah
Hreem Tarjaneebhyam namah
Shreem Madhyamabhyam namah
Aim Anamikabhyam namah
Kleem Kanishtikabhyam namah
Souh Karatalakara prushtabhyam namah
Aim Hrudayaya namah
Hreem Siraseswaha
Shreem Shikhayaivashat
Aim Kavachayahum
Kleem Netratrayayaoushat
Souh Astrayaphat
Three Salutations to Devi
Om aim hreem shreem aim kleem souh Kriyashakti pithayai Shripadukam poojayami namah
Om aim hreem shreem aim kleem souh Gyanashakti kundalinyai Shripadukam poojayami namah
Om aim hreem shreem aim kleem souh Ichhashakti shri mahatripurasundaryai Shripadukam poojayami namah
Nityayajanam (pooja of nitya devies)
Om aim hreem shreem aim kleem souh - these bijas must be added before each of the names from now onwards. After the name add the beejas Shripadukam poojayami namah
Kameswari nityamba – Shripadukampoojayaminamah
Bhagamalini nityamba
Nityaklinna nityamba
Bherunda nytyamba
Vahnivasini nityamba
Mahavajreswari nityamba
Shivaduti nityamba
Twarita nityamba
Kulasundari nityamba
Nitya nityamba
Neelapataka nityamba
Sarvamangala nityamba
Jwalamalini nityamba
Chitra nityamba
Mahanitya nityamba
Parameswara parameswari devi
Mitreshamayi devi
Shastisamayi devi
Uddisamayi devi
Charyanathamayi devi
Lopamudramayi devi
Agastyamayi devi
Kalatapanamayi devi
Dharmacharyamayi devi
Muktakeliswaramayi devi
Deepakalanathamayi devi
Vishnudevamayi devi
Prabhakaradevamayi devi
Tejodevamayi devi
Kalyanadevamayi devi
Vasudevamayi devi
Ratnadevamayi devi
Shriramanandamayi devi
Prathama Avarana pooja
(The 3 outer lines)
The position of the Devis on the 3 lines is indicated by numbers
The First line
O1-Anima Sidhyamba
O2-Laghima Sidhyamba
O3-Mahima Sidhyamba
O4-Ishvita Sidhyamba
O5-Vasitva Sidhyamba
O6-Prakamya Sidhyamba
O7-Bhukti Sidhyamba
O8-Ichha Sidhyamba
O9-Prapti Sidhyamba
10-Sarvakama Sidhyamba
The second line
M1-Shree Brahmi Matruka
M2-Shree Maheswari Matruka
M3-Shree Koumari Matruka
M4-Shree Vishnavi Matruka
M5-Shree Varahi Matruka
M6-Shree Mahendri Matruka
M7-Shree Chamunda Matruka
M8-Shree Mahalakshmi Matruka
The third line
1-Sarvasankshobhini Devi
2-Sarvavidravini Devi
3-Sarvakarshini Devi
4-Sarvavashankari Devi
5-Sarvonmadini Devi
6-Sarvamahankusha Devi
7-Sarvakhechari Devi
8-Sarvabeeja Devi
9-Sarvayoni Devi
10-Sarvatrikhanda Devi
Trilokyamohanachakraswamini Devi
Prakatayogini Devi
Sri Yantra Poojas
Katyaayanaya vidmahe Kanya Kumari Dheemahi Tanno Durge Prachodayaat
Tantra Raajaya Vidmahe Maha Tantraya Dheemahi Tanno Tantra Prachodayaat
Yantra Raajaya Vidmahe Maha Yantraya Dheemahi Tanno Yantra Prachodayaat
Mantra Raajaya Vidmahe Maha Mantraya Dheemahi Tanno Yantra Prachodayaat
Lord Shiva created 64 Yantras and 64 mantras of various deities to attain various objectives and siddhis. For His consort Devi, He created the Sri Yantra and the Shodasi Mantra which is the equivalent of all the other 64 Yantras and Mantras put together! That is why the Sri Yantra is called Yantra Raja and the Shodasi Mantra is called Mantra Raja. The Devi resides at the central bindu of Sri Yantra. There are total 108 Devis in the 9 avaranas of Sri Yantra. Ganesha, Soorya, Vishnu and Shiva recide at the four corners of the Sri Yantra. All the 8 Lakshmis, Saraswati, the Nityas, the Yoginis and in fact every Devi controlling each and every aspect of our life and the world reside in the Sri Yantra.
This is the only website through which you can book these rare poojas as very few know the Sriyantra Poojas. All Poojas will be performed exclusively in your name with your sankalpa (wish) and will be supervised by Pandit S.P.Tata.
1. Nava-Avarana Pooja of Sri Chakra: This is one of the greatest Poojas of Devi. The Nava-Avarana Pooja is an elaborate ritualistic worship of all the Devis of Sri Yantra with the prescribed Mantras. Only those initiated into the Sri Vidya can perform this coveted Pooja. Even in India there are not many priests who can perform this highest form of Devi worship. There is nothing like this Pooja for all round prosperity and removal of troubles, obstacles and doshas.
Cost: Rs. 5000/- Book Now
2. Khadgamala Pooja: Keeping a Sri Yantra, Devi Lalita Tripura Sundari Pooja is performed, Durga Sooktam is recited, and then the 108 Devis of Sri Yantra are worshiped with Kumkum – i.e., 108 times Kumkum Archana. A very good pooja of Devi, which is very popular in South India for general success.
Cost: Rs. 2000/- Book Now
3. Poojas of the astha (8) Matrika Devis : The first avarana (the outer three lines) of Sri Chakra represents the feet of Devi. In the central line are the 8 Matrika Devis. They fulfill various desires. Worshipping them in the Sri Yantra fulfills our wishes. You can book a Pooja of all the 8 Matrika Devis, or any specific one representing what you are seeking.
First the full Nava-Avarana Pooja of the Sri Yantra is performed and then the specific Matrika Devi is worshipped with her Beeja Mantra 1008 times. For best results 100000 recitals are done. The following are the Matrika Poojas you can book:
A. Mahalakshmi Matrika Devi Pooja: Mahalakshmi is worshipped for wealth, abundance and richess.
Cost of Pooja with 1008 recitals: Book Now
B. Maheswari Matrika Devi Pooja is ideal for enterprise needs like business, job, properties, house, loans, management etc.
Cost of Pooja with 1008 recitals: Dhs. 7500/- Book Now
C. Kaumari Matrika Devi Pooja is ideal for treating infertility, well being of progeny.
Cost of Pooja with 1008 recita. 7500/- Book Now
D. Brahmi Matrika Devi Pooja is ideal for educational needs like memory, excellence in studies, success in examinations, competitive examinations, creativity, performing arts like music, singing, dancing acting, etc.
Cost of Pooja with 1008 recitals: Rs. 7500/- Book Now
E. Vaishnavi Matrika Devi Pooja is ideal for improving relationships with friends and relatives.
Cost of Pooja with 1008 recitals: Rs. 7500/- Book Now
F. Varahi Matrika Devi Pooja is ideal for curing all types of disease and ill health and psycho-somatic disorders.
Cost of Pooja with 1008 recitals: Rs. 7500/-Book Now
G. Mahendri Matrika Devi Pooja is ideal for all things related to agriculture.
Cost of Pooja with 1008 recitals: Rs. 7500/- Book Now
H. Chamunda Matrika Devi Pooja is ideal solves problems created by jealous evil mongers like evil eye, witchcraft (Jadu Tona) etc.
Cost of Pooja with 1008 recitals: Rs. 7500/- Book Now
For any special requirements
contact: Pandit S.P.Tata. on e-mail: and mark the mail "pooja advise".
Or you can ring Ph:91-11- 65763324, Mobile: 9911119235
Shodasa Upacharas
In the ritualistic Hindu Vedic Poojas the deity is worshiped by offering 16 services known as the Shodasa Upacharas.
Pooja actually has a tow fold puorpose. One is the Baahya-Pooja or the rituals we perform outwardly for the Deity like offering flowers and fruits etc. It is an expression of our faith and reverence. Worship of God in any form in any way you like is good as it reduces the negative side of your Karma and improves the positive effects. Doing it in a systematic time tested ritualistic manner is better as it gives better results. It also gives you discipline and better satisfaction & peace of mind.
The pictures and idols of the deities whom we worship in this ritualistic way neither wear the flowers we offer nor eat the fruits. We do get some satisfaction of having offered something to the deity. But apart from that there is a deeper and greater spiritual significance behind the rituals and that is why they were prescribed and practiced by millions of our ancient seers. Understanding this is known as Antah-Pooja.
Baahya Pooja is your formula. Antah Pooja is understanding and applying the formula to get better results and achieve greater heights.
In the Bhavanopanishat sutras 28 to 43 describe the philosophy behind the 16 Upacharas in Devi worship. The same is applicable other Deity worships also.
The Shodasa (16) Upacharas
1. Avahana – Welcoming the deity.
Sutra 28. “Bahyantahkaranam roopagrahana yogyataasti tyaavahanam”
The human soul finds its identity through the antarendriys and the baahyendriyas. So avahana of the deity is inviting their Devine form.
2. Asanam – Offering seat.
Sutra 29. “Tasya baahyaantahkaranaanaamekaroopa vishaya grahamaasanam”
Controling the 14 senses like the gyanendriyas, the karmendriyas, manas, buddhi, chitta and ahankara and accepting everything in the world as Devi is the symbolic gesture of offering a seat at your Pooja place to the Devi.
3. Padyam – Washing the feet.
Sutra 30. “Rakta shukla padaikikaranam paadyam”
Devi recides in the sadhakas heart. Her prakasha shakti uniting with the atma shakti forms the shukla bindu representing fire. The vimarsha shakti uniting with the shukla bindu forms the rakta bindu representing the moon. The two of them uniting together form the mishra bindu representing the sun, which is the source of creation. Devi’s right leg represents the shukla bindu and her left leg represents the rakta bindu. Hence by washing and worshiping her feet we invoke the 3 primordial forces of creation – the sun, moon and the fire.
4. Aarghyam – Washing the hands.
Sutra 31. “Ujjwala daamodaanusandhanamarghyam”
Recognising the atma as Devi and purifying it is represented by washing Her hands.
5. Achamanam – Offering water to drink (to wash mouth).
Sutra 32. “Swachhamswatasiddhamityaachamanam”
It is recognising that the impure is purified by worshiping Her.
6. Snanam – Bathing.
Sutra 33. “Chichaddramayi sarvanga pravaranam snanam”
The Kundalini Shakti lying dormant in our body at the Mooladhara Chakra is raised by yogic practices to the Sahasra Chakra. Once united with the Sahasra it causes an Amrita Varasha (rain of divine nectar) which bathes and purifies the 72000 Nadis in the human body. Offering snanam to the Deity is symbolic of this Amrita Varsha.
7.Vastram – Offering clothes.
Sutra 34. “Chidagni swaroopa paramanandashakti sphuranam vastram”
The human form and its beauty are a reflection of Her Devine effulgence. Offering and decorating the Deity with clothes is a recognition of this.
8. Yagyopaveetam – Offering sacred thread.
Sutra 35. “Brahmanaadi Brahmasutram yagyopaveetam”
Of the 72000 Nadis in our body, the Shushumna Nadi is the most important one as it it is through this that the Kundalini rises. Hence it is also called Brahma Nadi – that which bestows the knowledge of the Ultimate Para Brahman. Recognising this we symbolically offer a sacred thread to the Deity.
This is also the reason we recite the following mantra at the time of Upanayanam, the sacred thread cerimony.
“Yagnopaveetam paramam pavitram prajapatheh yat sahajam purasthath ayushyam agriyam pratimuncha subram yagnopaveetam bhalam asthu tejah”.
“The best among those that purify, that which emerged along with the four-faced Brahma at the time of creation that which bestows life and prominence- I wear that sacred thread. Let it confer on me both knowledge and power”.
Shodasa Upacharas
9. Aabharanam – Offering ornaments.
Sutra 36. “Swavyatirikta vastu sangarahita smaranam vibhooshanam”.
Recognising that we are part of the Divinity and the outer ornaments we wear are only attachments of maya, offering our ornaments to the Deity is a symbolic gesture of renouncing the worldly attachments.
10. Gandham – Offering Sandalwood paste.
Sutra 37. “Satsangaparipooritaanu smaranam gandham”
Sandalwood paste is considered to be symbol of purity. Hence offering sandalwood paste is a gesture of recognising that the Divinity and the self are purity personified.
11. Pushpam – Offering flowers and doing pooja.
Sutra 38. “Ahimsa prathama pushpam, pushpamindriyanigraha
dayakshmagyanapushpam panchapushpam tatahpara”
Ahimsa or non violence, indriya nigraha or control over the senses, daya or kindness, kshama or forgiveness and gyana or knowledge are called the pancha pushpas or five flowers with which we can control our ahamkara or ego and surrender to God. Hence worshipping the Deity with flowers is symbolic of controlling these and surrendering to God.
12. Dhoopam – Offering perfumed Incense.
Sutra 39. “Teshameva sarvadasweekaranam dhoopam”
Dhoopam is perfumed incense smoke. The pleasures which our indriyas or senses give us are like its perfumed smoke which vanishes quickly. Offering Dhoopam is recognizing this and is an undertaking to control our sensory pleasures.
13. Deepam – Offering a lighted lamp.
Surta 40 “Pavanaavachyisnordhyajwalana sachhidulkkakashadeho deepah”
The effulgence of the Eternal Bhahman in union with Vayu is the Devine-light spread throughout the world. Offering a lighted lamp means considering our soul as the Divine light, which is ready for union with God.
14. Naivedyam - Offering food.
Sutra 41. “Samastayaataayaata varjanam naivedyam”
Overcoming the temptations of the indriyas and offering and renouncing our worldly pleasures and desires is the significance of naivedyam.
15. Taamboolam – Offering beetle leaves with caustic and beetle nut.
Sutra 42. “Avasthaatrayaikeekaranam tamboolam”
Tamboolam consits of beetle leaves, beetle nut and caustic represent the three avasthas or states of the human being – jagrad, swapna and shushupti or waking, dreaming and sleeping states. Offering Tamboolam is the effort to go beyond these states – i.e. to the nirvikalpa state.
16. Pradakshina Namaskaram – Circumambulation and salutation of the deity.
Sutra 43. Moolaadharaadi brahmabila paryantam, brahma randhraadi moolaadhara paryantam gataagata roopena praadakshinyam”
The Pranavayu in our body, which can at best be described as the “life supporting Cosmic force”, keeps rotating from the Moolaadhara Chakra to Sahasra Chakra and back through the Shushumna Naadi. recognising and saluting His Force is the act of Pradakshina Namaskaram or Circumambulation and salutation of the deity.
A Vedic ritual is never a meaningless act. Each and every one of them has a deep rooted spiritual philosophic significance.
A more elaborate Pooja will include the 32 upacharas. They are as follows:
Visarjanam with
mantra pushpam and
shanti patham.
Lunar Phases & the Nitya DevisThe worship of the Nitya Devis connected with the phases of the moon is an important aspect of Tantrak worship.
The Sun rules our soul and the Moon rules our mind. These two planets cause the lunar phases. According to Rishi Parashara, the Avatara of Lord Rama is from the Sun and that of Krishna is from the Moon. Indian mythology accords the status of a Devata to Sun and Moon in the celestial court of Lord Indra. The moon is one of the most important planets in astrology. Apart from judging a person from the Lagna, Vedic astrology studies the planetary positions from the moon also. New Moon to Full Moon and back, the changing phases of the Moon rules the mind and our emotions. But Moon plays a lot deeper role in our lives than that.
According to the Indian sashtras like Lalitopakhyanam, Tantrarajatantra, Dakshinamurti Samhita, Vasistha Samhita, Kamakala Vilasam and Bhairava Yamalam; the following is the spiritual and cosmic significance of the phases of the moon.
The Moon has 16 kalas, or phases. Out of these 15 are visible to us and the 16th is beyond our visibility. The 16 kalas are:
15.Poorna and
These 16 kalas are ruled by the 16 Nitya Devis. They are called Shodasa Nityas. They are:
1.Maha Tripura Sundari,
7.Maha Vajreswari,
8.Shivadooti (Roudri),
15.Jwalamalini and
16.Chidroopa (Chitra).
Out of these, the first one, Maha Tripura Sundari is the Devi Para Shakti herself, and hence the kala ruled by her is not visible to the normal mortals. Hence we see only the other 15 kalas or phases ruled by the other nityas. In the Sri Chakra these 15 nityas are present in the innermost circle, and the Devi is in the central bundu.
These 15 Nityas rule the famous 15 letters Devi mantra known as Panchadasakshari Mantra: Ka E Aie La Hreem Ha Sa Ka Ha La Hreem Sa Ka La Hreem
These 15 Nityas in the form of the 15 Tithis (Phases) have two aspects each – Prakashamsa, which rules the day portion of the Tithi, and Vimarshamsa, which rules the night part of the Tithi. At night they collect the divine nectar and during the day they release it.
On Poornima or full moon day all the 15 Nityas are in the moon and the moon is shining brightly. On the 1st Thithi after the Poornima, i.e., Pratipada, one Nitya leaves the moon and goes to the sun and the moon is reduced slightly in size. On the next Dwiteeya Tithi another Nitya leaves the moon and goes to the sun and the moon is further reduced in size. This way they leave one by one till the moon becomes totally dark on the 15th day, which is called Amavasya or the new moon day. This is known as Krishna Paksha or the waning phase.
After Amavasya they return one by one on each Tithi and the moon starts shining again till its full on the Poornima when the last Nitya returns to it. This is called Shukla Paksha. Kameswari to Chitra are the Nityas ruling the Krishna Paksha Tithis from Pratipada to Amavasya. In Shukla Paksha the order of the Nityas is reversed, i.e., Chitra to Kameswari.
The Nitya of the Asthami or 8th Tithi, Twarita, is common and constant to both the Pakshas. Hence she adorns the crown of Devi.
The inner triangle of Sri Chakra is known as the Sarva Siddhiprada Chakra and the Nityas are next only to Tripura Sundari in importance. For your information, Kameswari is Goddess Parvati, Vajreswari is Maha Lakshmi and Bhagamalini is Goddess Saraswati !!
One Krishna Paksha and one Shukla Paksha form a 30-day lunar month. 12 such months form a 360-day lunar year. Multiplied by 2 (the day and night aspects of the Nityas/Tithis) we have 720 aspects of the Nitya Devis in a year. This way, they rule the day, the night, the days, months, seasons and the years. Furthermore, each aspect of a Nitya rules 100 Nadis in our body. This way they rule the 72000 Nadies in our body, with ever changing moods and physical results in human lives.
The Nityas or Eternities of Lalita represent the fifteen lunar days or tithis of the waxing Moon. Each has her own yantra, mantra, tantra and prayogas or ritual applications. The full circle of the Nityas also represents the 21,600 breaths a human being takes in a full day and night. As such, the Nityas are the Kalachakra, or Wheel of Time.
The 15 Nityas are modifications of Lalita with her three gunas and her five elements of aether, air, fire, water and earth. As the moon remains itself, though appearing differently according to phase, so too does Lalita. Each Nitya has her own vidya (that is mantra), yantra and group of energies (Shaktis).
The 15 lunar tithis, are to be regarded as identical with the fifteen Nityas (Kameshvari to Citra). The sixteenth Kala called Sadakhya should be viewed as one with Lalita or the Supreme Deity Herself. In other words, one has to feel that what appears in Kalacakra is nothing but an expression of what exists eternally as Nityas in the supreme Sri Cakra itself. The tithi-cakra or the wheel of time is constantly revolving and the Sri Cakra is within it and not without. It should also be remembered that from the standpoint of an esoteric yogin the tithis are in the last analysis to be identified with the 21600 shvasas (breaths) supposed to be the average number of breaths per day of a normal human being.”
Hence Lalita or Tripurasundari is the 16th day or full moon, with her 15 digits. Each of the Nityas has a certain number of arms, the totality of arms (= rays) of the whole circle being 108. Because any unit of time is taken as a microcosm or parallel of any other valid unit, each of the fifteen Nityas thus has 1,440 breaths. This identity between space, time, Tripurasundari and the individual is elaborated at great length in the Tantraraja Tantra.
The Nityas are the vowels of the Sanskrit alphabet and are identical with both time and space. For example, if the number of tattvas or consonants (36) are multiplied by the 16 Nityas the number of letters is 576. The multiples of this number provide the number of years in the different Yugas. So the circle of the matrikas and the Nityas is identical with the sidereal zodiac as well as mantra.
The ancient scriptures Nitya Shodasarnava Tantram, Srividya Vilasam, Vamakeswara Tantram, Tantraraja Tantra and Mantra Ratnakaram have specified that the 15 Nityas must be worshiped in the Srichakra central triangle, anticlockwise, and the 16th Nitya, Maha Tripura Sundari must be worshiped in the Bindu. The following diagram makes it clear.
In Krishna Paksha, worship the 15 Tithis from Kameswari to Chitra from 1 to 15.
In Shukla Paksha, worship the 15 Tithis from Chitra to Kameswari from 1 to 15.
The following are the mantras of the 15 Nitya Devis as per Tantraraja Tantra.
The 15 Nitya Devis
1. Kameshvari: Means “Lady of Desire”
Her Mantra is ” Aim Hrim Shrim Am Aim Sa Ka La Hrim Nityaklinne Madadrave Sauh Am Kameshvari Nitya Shri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah.
2. Bhagamalini: Means “The Flowering Yoni”
Her Mantra is “Aim Hrim Shrim Am Aim Bhagabuge Bhagini Bhagodari Bhagamale Bhagavahe Bhagaguhye Bhagayoni Bhaganipatini Sarvabhagavashankari Bhagarupe Nityaklinne Bhagasvarupe Sarvani Bhagani Me Hyanaya Varade Rete Surete Bhagaklinne Klinnadrave Kledaya Dravaya Amoghe Bhagavicce Kshubha Kshobhaya Sarvasatvan Bhagodari Aim Blum Jem Blum Bhem Blum Mom Blum Hem Blum Hem Klinne Sarvani Bhagani Me Vashamanaya Strim Hara Blem Hrim Am Bhagamalini Nitya Shri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah.”
3. Nityaklinna: Means “Wet Nitya, or Always Wet”
Her Mantra is “Aim Hrim Shrim Nityaklinne Madadrave Svaha im Nityaklinna Nitya Shri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah.”
4. Bherunda: Her Mantra is: “Aim Hrim Shrim Im Om Krom Bhrom Kraum Jhmraum Cchraum Jraum Svaha Im Bherunda Nitya Shri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah,”
5. Vahnivasini: Her Name meaning the dweller in fire.
Her mantra is “Om Hrim Vahnivasiniyai Namah.”
6. Mahavajrswari; Her Mantra is “Um Hrim Klinne Aim Krom Nityamadadrave Hrim Um Mahavajreshvari Nitya Shri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah.”
7. Shivaduti: She is called Shivaduti because she makes Shiva her messenger (Duti). Her Mantra is “Aim Hrim Shrim Shivadutyai Namah Shivadutinitya Shri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah.”
8. Tvarita: Her mantra is “Om Hrim Hum Khe Ca Che Ksah Strim Hum Kse Hrim Phat.”
9. Kulasundari: Her mantra is “Aim Hrim Shrim Aim Klim Sauh Kulasundari Nitya Shri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah.”
10. Nitya-Nityamba: Her mantra is “Ha Sa Ka La Ra Daim Ha Sa Ka La Ra Dim Ha Sa Ka La Ra Dauh Nitya Nitya Shri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah.”
11. Nilapataka: Her name means Sapphire Banner
Her mantra is “Aim Hrim Shrim Phrem Strum Krom Am Klim Aim Blum Nityamadadrave Hum Phrem Hrim Em Nilapataka Nitya Shri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah.”
12. Vijaya: Her name means Victorious.
Her mantra is “Aim Hrim Shrim Bha Ma Ra Ya Aum Aim Vijaya Nitya Shri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah.”
13. Sarvamangala: Her name means “all auspicious”
Her mantra is “Aim Hrim Shrim Svaum Om Sarvamangala Nitya Shri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah.”
14. Jwalamalini: Her name means “garlanded with flames”
Her mantra is “Om namo bhagavati Jvalamalini devadevi sarvabhutasamharakarike jatavedasi jvalanti jvala jvala prajvala prajvala Hrim Hrim Hum Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Jvalamalini Hum Phat Svaha.”
15. Chitra: Her name means variegated
Her mantra is “Aim Hrim Shrim Ckaum Am Chitra Nitya Shri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah.”
Mudras used in Pooja
Mudras used in Hindu worship
The word Mudra is derived from the Sanskrit words Mud+Dhra, or bliss+dissolving – meaning that which dissolves duality and brings together the deity and the devotee. Mudras are gestures performed with the hands and are used to convey various feelings, or expressions or meanings. (Recently the the famous Australian cricketer Greg Chappell showed the notorious “middle finger mudra” to the Ganguly fans at Kolkata!!).
The use of the Mudras is quite common in the Hindu Poojas, Tantric worships, Yoga and also in Classical Indian dances. In Hindu iconography, the deities are often depicted with their hands making various Mudras – like the twin gestures of dispelling fears and granting boons. Various deities have several specific Mudras which are associated with them. They are used by the practitioner for various purposes – like activating the various nerve centers, to convey a feeling or to appease a deity etc.
Each finger represents one of the five elements—the thumb is agni (fire), the forefinger is vayu (air), the middle finger is akash (ether), the ring finger is prithvi (earth) and the little finger is jal (water).
Please note that in Natya Sastra (classical dance) and in Yoga also there are several similarly named Mudras which are at times quite different from the Pooja Mudras. For example the Yoni Mudra used in Yoga is totally different from the Yoni Mudra used in Pooja.
A lot of people want to know and use the Mudras during Pooja and Tantrik worship but do not know the correct ones. We are giving bellow 40 of the most commonly used Mudras in the various Poojas and Tantric worships so that those interested can learn them an practice. Click on each name to see the picture of the Mudra in a new window. These are the correct Mudras, but in some sects there are minor variations. Other pages of interest >The Shodasa (16) Upacharas in Pooja
Linga Mudra
Soorya Mudra
This section will present the most important fasts practiced by the Hindus through the ages. Read the complete introduction and description of Hindu Fasts
The Shashti Vratas
Pratipad Fasts
Ekadashi Vratam
Shivaratra Vratam
The Kartika Vrata
The Mashopavasha Vratam
Chaturmasyam Fast
Rambha Tritya Fast
Agastyargha Fast
Ananga-Trayodashi Fasts
The Koumuda Vrata
The King of All Vows
The Vow of Monthly fasting
The Nine-Fold Propitiation
The Vow Illuminating A Divine Edifice
Ritu Vratas Or Season Vows
The Monthly Vratas
The Divasa Vratas (During Day)
The Nakshatra Vratas
Vratas Under Various Asterisms
Ashok Puranima Vrata
Shivaratri Fast
Fourteenth Phase Fast
Trayodashi Vratas
The Shravana Dvadashi Vrata
Eight Matris
Four Vrats
Fasts During Moon Phases
Ninth Phase Fasts
10th, 11th & 12th Phase Fasts
Dana as remedy
How to do Sadhana? Procedure ? Rules ? How to take Sankalp? How to do Anusthaan?
There are many types of Anusthaan. In Laghu Anusthaan, 24000 Mantra chantings are done ( eg. 27 rosary rounds in 9 days) and 240 aahutis are offered in holy Yagya. In Madhyam Anusthaan, 1.25 Lakh Mantra chantings are done (eg. 33 rosary rounds in 40 days) and 1250 aahutis are offered in holy Yagya. In Maha Anusthaan, 24 Lakh Mantra chantings are done (66 rosary rounds in 1 year) and One-tenth aahutis are offered in holy Yagya. One may also perform Anusthaan of 51000 or 5 lakh rosary rounds.
Anusthaan is a concentrated effort. You should try to complete the Anusthaan in as less number of days as possible for maximum benefit. An Anusthaan is normally done for completion of some task, or to solve some problem. The longer you delay the anusthaan, the more will be the delay in achieving results. Moreover, if you extend it for more time, then there is a chance of making more mistakes, breaking of celibacy (mental & physical) or some other strict rule. You should start the anusthaan on a auspicious day.
You should follow following rules during Anusthaan -
a. Start on the same time everyday. Perform same number of rosary rounds daily. Perform Anusthaan at a pure, satvik place in a pure, quite environment.
b. Eat pure vegetarian food during Anusthaan & Sadhana period. Try to avoid onion, garlic etc. Eat food once a day.
c. Maintain complete celibacy (mental & physical) during Anusthaan period. If your brahmacharya (celibacy) breaks during Anusthaan/Sadhana period, then you should stop the Sadhana/Anusthaan and restart the entire Sadhana/Anusthaan again afresh.
d. Perform Guru Poojan and chant one rosary round of Guru Mantra. Then perform the required daily number of rosary rounds of the concerned Mantra. Then chant one rosary round of Guru Mantra again. The Ghee/Oil (Depending on Diety) Deepak should be lighted continuously during the entire Anusthaan period. Ghee Deepak should be lighted for Anusthaan of Guru Mantra.
e. Mentally meditate on the form of the Diety and Gurudev during all the days of Anusthaan.
f. Don't cut hairs or nails during the Anusthaan Period. One should also refrain from shaving.
Normally, before chanting the mantra for Anusthaan/Sadhana, one needs to make a Sankalp (pledge) by taking water in one’ right hand palm saying the following in any language -
Myself "name" son/daughter/wife of "father/mother/husband's name" , belonging to "your gotra or surname" gotra , disciple of Pujya Gurudev am making this pledge by taking Divine blessings and Diksha from my Pujya Gurudev on "date & time" at "place name" that I will perform "sadhna name" Sadhana by chanting "number" rosary rounds for "number" days to solve "problem details" problem. May Pujya Gurudev stay with me all the time and guide and protect me.
After, this let the water flow to the ground.
This Sankalp is an agreement between yourself and the divine deity. After taking Sankalp, you should perform Sadhana for the required number of days at the same time. There should NOT be any break of even a single day after taking Sankalp. You need to take Sankalp only on the first day.
You also need to perform Hawan (Holy Fire), Tarpan & Maarjan after completion of Anusthaan. Havan is done for appeasement of Gods (Devataas). Tarpan is done for offering to & appeasement of "Updevataas" (Gods) and "Pitras" (Ancestors). Maarjan is done for appeasement of other important yonis; and to remove impurities and purify oneself. Maarjan also removes bad effects of Rajogun and Tamogun.
You should offer 12500 (10% of Total Mantra chanting) Aahutis (offerings) in the holy fire of havan.
You should suffix the deity's mantra (which you chanted 1.25 lakh times) with the word "Swahaa". With each chanting of the mantra, you should offer Aahuti in the holy fire. You may do havan in two shifts, if it is not possible for you to complete it together. The item to be offered for Aahuti is different for each Sadhana/Mantra/Deity and purpose.
Normally, you may use "mango plant" wood sticks in the Yagya. However different types of woods are used in different Sadhanas. You can place a camphor between dry sticks and then light it. You should preferably use a "Havan Kund" for performing havan. Different kinds of Hawan Kunds are prescribed for different Sadhanas, purposes and Deities. It should be made of copper. If copper is not available, then you may use any other pure metal container. For general purposes, you should use a squarish shape havan kund. The size of Havankund should be 9" X 9" X 9" or 15" X 15" X 15" .
You should perform Guru Poojan before performing Havan. You should also chant at least 4 rosary rounds of Guru Mantra. Then, you should perform Panchopchaar poojan (worship) of the Sadhana Yantra & photo of deity with Snaan( bathe), Tilak (mark on forehead), Pushp (flowers), Dhoop (incense), deep (light) etc.
Tarpan should be done for 1250 (10% of Hawan) mantra chantings. You should suffix the deity's mantra (which you chanted 1.25 lakh times) with the word "Tarpayaami". With each chanting of the mantra, you should offer a mixture of milk & water on either Yantra or Idol.
Maarjam should be done for 125 (10% of Tarpan) mantra chantings. You should suffix the deity's mantra (which you chanted 1.25 lakh times) with the word "Maarjyaami". With each chanting of the mantra, you should offer a mixture of milk & water on either Yantra or Idol.
It is recommended to perform Havan, Tarpan & Maarjan after completion of Anusthaan. However, if, you are unable to perform Havan for any reason then you may chant an additional 125 malas (rosary rounds) of the deity's mantra as a substitute by taking a sankalp.
You should mention in the sankalp that - "I am chanting 125 rosary rounds of the mantra as the Havan Poornaahuti." You should perform Guru Poojan and chant 4 rosary rounds of Guru Mantra before starting these 125 rosary rounds.
After completion of 125 rosary rounds or havan/yagya, you should do the following :
a. Chant one rosary round of Guru Mantra
b. Mentally seek forgiveness from revered Gurudev for the mistakes (known or unknown) which you might have committed during Mantra chanting and request for His Aashirvaad and blessings.
Similarly for Tarpan, you may chant additional 12 rosary rounds & for Maarjan additional 3 rosary rounds.
You should mentally pray and meditate on the form of revered Gurudev before starting the Mantra chanting. You should also mentally take permission from pujya Gurudev before starting the Mantra chanting and request for His blessings & Aashirwaad to obtain success.
After the completion of Mantra chanting, you should mentally seek forgiveness from revered Gurudev for the mistakes (known or unknown) which you might have committed during Mantra chanting and request for His Aashirvaad and blessings.
If you are a woman, you should stop the Anusthaan/Sadhana during the monthly periods, and restart it after taking bath on completion of periods (after 5 days).
If you feel that you need to go somewhere which might lead to an interruption, then you should first finish that task, and perform Anushtaan with Sankalp later. In the meantime, you may chant the Mantra given to you by Diksha using the mala.
Using Mala-
You should hold the rosary in your right hand while chanting the Mantra. You should take rosary in right hand between Ring-Finger and Middle-Finger and move it using Thumb and Middle-Finger. You should place your hand adjacent to the heart. The rosary should not touch your leg or ground. Either you should place your left hand to avoid this, or you may put rosary in Gomukhi (cotton cloth bag) whilest chanting. Your index finger (fore-finger) should not touch the rosary. You should never let rosary touch the ground even when you are not performing Sadhana. It should always be kept wrapped in a clean cloth.
There is a separator bead in every rosary. Basically it is the central bead at which the thread containing beads is joined/tied together. This is normally marked by a different color thread on it. You may easily identify the separator bead. You should start moving the bead from the bead next to separator bead. You should not start from the separator bead itself. The beads should move along with the mantra chanting in direction towards you (clockwise direction). You should move one bead with each chant of complete mantra. In the moving process, once you reach the separator bead after finishing the bead before the separator bead, you should overturn the rosary with your right hand, making the last bead before separator (one you used just now) the first bead after separator. This is called as completing one complete round of the rosary. And then you should start chanting again with this bead as the first one.
Taking Sankalp/Promise for someone else -
Myself "name" son/daughter/wife of "your father/mother/husband's name" , belonging to "your gotra or surname" gotra , disciple of Pujya Gurudev am making this pledge by taking Divine blessings and Diksha from my Pujya Gurudev on "date & time" at "place name" that I will perform "sadhna name" Sadhana by chanting "number" rosary rounds for "number" days on behalf of "person name" son/daughter/wife of "father/mother/husband's name" , belonging to "gotra or surname" gotra ,resident of "place name" to solve "problem details" problem. May Pujya Gurudev stay with us all the time and guide and protect us. May all the benefits of this Sadhana go to "person name".
Note -
Do not sit on bed & do Sadhana.
Sit on ground with Proper Aasan.
You can open/ close your eyes during Sadhana. When open see the Lingam(concentrate) or look at deitys Photo.
Dhruv Bhura
Jai Gurudev! Jai Nikhileshwar! Jai Ma Kaali!
Dhyan of Ma Kamala
"Kaantyaa Kaanchan Sannibhaam Him Giri Prakhyeish-chaturbhirgaje.
Hastotkshipt Hirannyamayaamrit Ghateiraasichya Maanaam Shriyam.
Vibhraannam Varamabja Yugmamayam Hasteih Kireetojjvalaam.
Shoumaabadh Nitamb Bimb Lalitaam Vandedarvind Sthitaam."
Mantra :- Shreem Kleem Shreem Namah
Mantra :- Om Ayeim Shreem Hreem Kamalvaasinyei Namah
On Monday – red clothes
Lord Shiva is also known as Matang. His Shakti (power) is called Matangi.
Her complexion is dark and possesses a moon on her forehead.
The three-eyed goddess is seated on the crown decorated with jewels. Her lustre is like a blue lotus and is destroyer of the demons (forest) like a fire.
In each of her four hands, she has a noose, a mace, an axe and a hook. She is a destroyer of the demons by enchanting them first with her beauty and a fulfiller of every desire of her devotees. She is worshipped for the attainment of great powers, power of speech, happiness in family life etc.
MANTRA :- "Om Hreem Aim Shreem Namo Bhagavati Ucchisthachandali Sri Matangeswari Sarvagyanavashamkari Swaha"
Ma Baglamukhi ,is also called the terror to the enemies.
In this present age it is called that Maa Baglumukhi can fulfill all the desires.
She is also called Pitambara Vidya and gives protection from all enemies and defeats them.
She gives victory in all types of legal matters ,court cases and clears all the bad influence of planet MARS and clears away the debts .
She clears all types of tantra mantra and any sort of black magic effects and gives total protection from all evil planet and evil power in this world.
It good if this sadhna is done in guidance of spiritual GURU.
In Her sadhna all clothes , seat , flowers , garland should be yellow , for counting the mantra use yellow turmeiric mala.
Om Hleem Baglaamukhi Sarva Dushtaanaam Vaacham Mukham Padam Stambhay Jihvaam Keelay Buddhim Vinaashay Hleem Om Phat
Dhumavati is the smoky form of Shakti.
She is also known as the eternal widow, the Shakti without Shiva.
She is ugly and also called Alakshmi, the one who is without Laxmi or radiance.
Goddess Dhumavati gives total protection to Her worshipper from any sort of black magic , all types of court cases , protection for the wealth and protection from enemies.
She neutralize the effects of Planet Rahu .
Dhumavati is the Divine Goddess at the time of the deluge, when the Earth is under water.
While being ugly and fearsome, she is blessing with her right hand those who can still see the Divine Mother in her.
The black crow on her flag is the symbol of dark forces and black magic.
The Sadhana of this Mahavidya can be done on any moonless night after 10 p.m.
Take a bath, wear black robes and sit alone in a room facing south on a black worship mat.
Before yourself place a wooden seat coverd with a black cloth. In a steel plate place Dhoomavati Yantra.
On one side place the picture of the Goddess. Next it in another plate place yantra and Dhoomavati Mala.
Dhoom Dhoom Dhoomaavati Tthah Tthah
The methods for the worship of Tripura-Bhairavi have been described in the sacred texts for the attainment of victory over the sensual desires and all round development.
Tripura-Bhairavi who is also called Kala-Bhairavi is the presiding goddess of this decaying-world. Her complexion is red like the thousands of rising-sun, wears silken apparel and has a garland of heads around her neck.
Her lips are marked with blood. She has three eyes and possesses a moon in her crown.
She has a garland in her hand and is an embodiment of knowledge, fearlessness and boons.
There is a soft smile on her lips.
Method - Any desire gets fulfilled by the chanting of below mentioned mantra for 1,25,000 times and by worshipping the Yantra
The mantra is:
Om Bhairavi Saham
Goddess Chhinnamasta is a symbol of the perception of secrecy.
She stands on the seat of white lotus. In her navel Yoni Chakra are situated. The directions itself are her apparel.
Her two companions symbolises the two qualities of Tara (dark) and Raja (medium).
She is alive even though her head is severed from her body.
This severed head is symbolic of introverted nature of accomplishment.
Method :- The chhinmasta mantra should be chanted for 1,25,000 for the accomplishment of any desire.
Before starting the Japa the Yantra must be worshiped.
MANTRA : - Shreem Hreem klim Aim Vajravarochiniyee hoom hoom phat swaha
Bhuvaneshwari means the ruler of the world and by worshipping her one can achieve success and be victorious in every field of life and become powerful.
It is said that Lord Ram had done this sadhna before defeating Ravan who was so much powerful that he conquered heaven.
She removes the the malefic effects of planet MOON.
Whatever the sadhak wishes is fulfilled, for he is bestowed with 64 divine virtues ( called 64 Yogini) which help him succeed in every venture that he undertakes.
He becomes a virtual man of his Age.
This Sadhana can be started on first day of any month.
MANTRA : - Om Hreem Om
Goddess Tripura Sundari is also called Shodashi because she posses all the 16supernatural powers.
Shodashi, who has the mantra consisting of sixteen letters, has organs glowing like a rising sun. She has four hands and three eyes.
She is seated on the lotus, which is placed on the body of Shiva who is lying in a peaceful posture.
She has a noose, a hook, a bow and an arrow in each of her hands.
Eveready to shower blessings on her devotees, her appearance is completely Sobre & gentle and her heart is full of compassion.
She remove the malefic effects of planet Mercury .
"Om Aim Hreem Shreem Sri Lalita Tripurasundari Padukam Poojayami Namah"
"Ka E i La Hreem - Ha Sa Ka Ha La Hreem - Sa Ka La Hreem"
Ma Tara its called the Goddess which give all round prosperity to the worshipper.
She gives power of speech , pleasure and salvation.
She also worshipped for the destruction of enemies in tantrik method.
She removes the malefic effects of planet JUPITER .
She should be worshipped by businessman for expansion of business and name and fame . MANTRA : -- Ayeim Hreem Shreem Kleem Souh Hoom Ugra Taare phat
GODDESS MAHAKALI is the mosty superior among the ten mahavidyas of tantra.
She gives immediate result to her sadhak.
She can give her sadhak everything which is necessary to live in this world.
She protects from bad influence of planet Saturn and can fulfill all desires of human being.
She gives name fame , money and prosperity to her sadhak .
By attaining her sadhna , sadhak get all Ashtsidhis.
Mahayogi Ramakrishna worshipped Mahakali and attained all types of siddhi.
She is one of the most powerful forms of Godess Parvati.
Dhyan :-
"Karaal Vadanaam Ghoraam Muktakeshim-chaturbhujaa,
Namaami Rakta Kaaleem Taam Mundmaalaa Vibhooshitaam.
Ghor-raavaam Mahaaroudreem Shamshaanaalay Vaseeneem,
Baalaark-mandalaakaar Lochana-tritayaa-nvitaa."
Mantra 1) Namah Aam Aam Krom Krom Phat Swaha Kaali Kaalike Hoom
Saraswati Mantra 1
"Yaa Kundendu tushaara haaradhavalaa, Yaa shubhravastraavritha
Yaa veenavara dandamanditakara, Yaa shwetha padmaasana
Yaa brahmaachyutha shankara prabhritibhir Devaisadaa Vanditha
Saa Maam Paatu Saraswatee Bhagavatee Nihshesha जाड्यापहा"
Translation in English:
“May Goddess Saraswati, who is fair like the jasmine-colored moon, and whose pure white garland is like frosty dew drops; who is adorned in radiant white attire, on whose beautiful arm rests the veena, and whose throne is a white lotus; who is surrounded and respected by the Gods, protect me. May you fully remove my lethargy, sluggishness, and ignorance.”
Saraswati Mantra 2
"Shuklaam Brahmvichaar Saar Paramaadyaam Jagadvyaapineem Veennaa Pushtak
Dhaarinneebhamay Daam Jaad Yaapandhkaaraapahaam.
Haste Sfatik Maalikaam Vidhateem Paramaasane Sansthitaam Vande Taam
Parameshwareem Bhagwateem Buddhi Pradaam Shaaradaam."
Translation in English:
"I pray to Bhagwati Saraswati who has a fair complexion, who is the first and foremost divine energy, who is present in the world in the form of knowledge, who wields a Veenaa, Vedas, Sfatik rosary in her hands and one of whose hands is raised in blessing. She is capable of removing ignorance and bestowing intelligence."
Saraswati Mantra 3
"Saraswathi Namasthubhyam,
Varadey Kaamarupinee!
Vidhyarambham Karishyami,
Sidhir bhavathu mey sada !"
Translation in English:
“Oh ! Goddess, Saraswathi, my humble prostrations unto Thee, who are the fulfiller of all my wishes. I start my studies with the request that thou will bestow Thy blessings on me.”
Saraswati Mantra 4
"Saraswati Mahabhage
Vidye Kamalalochane
Vishwaroope Vishaalaakshi
Vidyam dehi namosthuthe"
Translation in English:
“O, the great Goddess Saraswati, the lotus-eyed personified knowledge... O, large-eyed Goddess, taking the form of the whole universe, thou shower me with all the powers and glories of all knowledge that exist.”
Saraswati Mantra 5
“Om Aim Kleeng Saum Saraswatiya Namaha”
Significance: This mantra makes a person a learned scholar and he attains high proficiency in education. This mantra should be recited at all morning pujas.
//ॐ ऐं सरस्वत्ये नमः//
Life is nothing but a confluence of good and bad. And when one's stars are unfavourable, enemities spring up, enemy minds start working overtime, problems are created in one's life and rumours are spread with an aim to mar one's reputation. Retailiation could get one into further trouble; but there is a way out that is easy as well as effective. To Pacify enemies and adversaries, light a holy fire and then make oblations of a mixture of black pepper seeds, yellow mustard seeds and black sesame seeds, chanting the following Mantra. Do this for 25 minutes.
Om Bham Bheiravaay Vijayam Dehi Om Phat
And soon enough you shall feel all opposition whittling down. No Sadhana article is needed in this ritual.
hrii.m hrii.m bagalaamukhi sarvadu.s.taanaa.m vaaca.m mukha.m pada.m
stambhaya jihvaa.m kiilaya buddhi.m vinaa"saya hrii.m .o svaahaa"
Siddha Kunjika Stotram - (Lyrics Sanskrit):
कुन्जिका स्तोत्रं
शिव उवाच
शृणु देवि प्रवक्ष्यामि कुंजिकास्तोत्रमुत्तमम्।
येन मन्त्रप्रभावेण चण्डीजापः भवेत्॥1॥
न कवचं नार्गलास्तोत्रं कीलकं न रहस्यकम्।
न सूक्तं नापि ध्यानं च न न्यासो न च वार्चनम्॥2॥
कुंजिकापाठमात्रेण दुर्गापाठफलं लभेत्।
अति गुह्यतरं देवि देवानामपि दुर्लभम्॥ 3॥
गोपनीयं प्रयत्नेन स्वयोनिरिव पार्वति।
मारणं मोहनं वश्यं स्तम्भनोच्चाटनादिकम्।
पाठमात्रेण संसिद्ध्येत् कुंजिकास्तोत्रमुत्तमम् ॥4॥
अथ मंत्र
ॐ ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं चामुण्डायै विच्चे। ॐ ग्लौ हुं क्लीं जूं सः
ज्वालय ज्वालय ज्वल ज्वल प्रज्वल प्रज्वल
ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं चामुण्डायै विच्चे ज्वल हं सं लं क्षं फट् स्वाहा
॥ इति मंत्रः॥
नमस्ते रुद्ररूपिण्यै नमस्ते मधुमर्दिनि।
नमः कैटभहारिण्यै नमस्ते महिषार्दिन ॥1॥
नमस्ते शुम्भहन्त्र्यै च निशुम्भासुरघातिन ॥2॥
जाग्रतं हि महादेवि जपं सिद्धं कुरुष्व मे।
ऐंकारी सृष्टिरूपायै ह्रींकारी प्रतिपालिका॥3॥
क्लींकारी कामरूपिण्यै बीजरूपे नमोऽस्तु ते।
चामुण्डा चण्डघाती च यैकारी वरदायिनी॥ 4॥
विच्चे चाभयदा नित्यं नमस्ते मंत्ररूपिण ॥5॥
धां धीं धू धूर्जटेः पत्नी वां वीं वूं वागधीश्वरी।
क्रां क्रीं क्रूं कालिका देविशां शीं शूं मे शुभं कुरु॥6॥
हुं हु हुंकाररूपिण्यै जं जं जं जम्भनादिनी।
भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रूं भैरवी भद्रे भवान्यै ते नमो नमः॥7॥
अं कं चं टं तं पं यं शं वीं दुं ऐं वीं हं क्षं
धिजाग्रं धिजाग्रं त्रोटय त्रोटय दीप्तं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा॥
पां पीं पूं पार्वती पूर्णा खां खीं खूं खेचरी तथा॥ 8॥
सां सीं सूं सप्तशती देव्या मंत्रसिद्धिंकुरुष्व मे॥
इदंतु कुंजिकास्तोत्रं मंत्रजागर्तिहेतवे।
अभक्ते नैव दातव्यं गोपितं रक्ष पार्वति॥
यस्तु कुंजिकया देविहीनां सप्तशतीं पठेत्।
न तस्य जायते सिद्धिररण्ये रोदनं यथा॥
। इतिश्रीरुद्रयामले गौरीतंत्रे शिवपार्वती
संवादे कुंजिकास्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् ।
Mantras For Protection – Shatrubaadha Nivaran Mantra
The fear of the known rather than the unknown is more often than not brushed aside by most of us in our daily lives. The insecurity of human soul, its own mind games that we strive to supercede, our inherent desire to overpower the obstacles strewn across our path to achievement continue to fuel our passion to succeed and finally we endeavor to reach our individually set goals in this material world. Our strategy for this plan is almost foggy and we seldom attempt to adjust our lens so that we can clearly define our targets and for this journey we fail to include any loyal method of back up or protection through adversity.
The Mantras For Protection – Shatrubaadha Nivaran Mantra is one such answer for all our quests of supremacy that we seek over our hostile, often harmful circumstances that we are forced to fear that finally ends in our meek surrender to these detrimental currents in our calm and pond-like life. This phenomenal album contains all such remedial Mantras that are powerful enough to protect our humble self and provide valuable guidance that we continue to reach for our very existence.
Mantras like Shatru Mitra Kar Mantra, the Shatru Mitra Kar Saptashati Mantra, the ancient Kunjika Stotram, the Shatru Vidhwansini Stotram, Sankashtanashak Ganapati Stotram, the Vedic Bagala Mukhi Dhyana and Mantra, Hanumat Langoolastra Stotram, the powerful Narsimha Stotram finally ending with the illuminating chanting of the Shanti Path that guides us for attaining peace within ourselves. This is truly a one-of-its kind album that combines a lot of answers in the form of ancient Mantras that actually elevate our soul to the higher planes of self-attainment.
Narasimha Kavacham - Nrsimha Kavacha Lyrics
Narasimha Kavacham or Nrsimha Kavacha is a powerful prayer to appease Lord Narasimha, the half-man half-lion incarnation of Lord Maha Vishnu. By chanting the Narasimha Kavacha daily, Lord Narasimha will protect the devotee and he will become victorious in all his deeds.
Nrsimha Kavacha Lyrics – Narasimha Kavacham Lyrics
Sri Narad uvaca, Indradi deva vrndesa tatesvara jagat pate,
Mahavisnor nrsimhasya kavacam bruhi me prabho
Yasya prapathanad vidvan trilokya vijayi bhavet
Sri Brahmovaca, srnu narada vaksyami putra srestha tapodhana
Kavacam Narasimhasya trailokya vijayabhidam
Yasya prapathanad vagmi trailokya vijayi bhavet
Srastham jagatam vatsa pathanad dharanad yatah
Laksmir jagat trayam pati samharta ca mahesvarah
Pathanad dharanad deva babhuvus ca digisvarah
Brahma mantra myam vaksye bhutadi vinivarakam
Yasya prasadad durvasas trailokya vijayi munih
Pathanad dharanad yasya sasta ca krodha bhairavah
Trailokya vijayasyasa kavacasya prajapatih
Rsis Chandas ca gayatri nrsimho devata vibhuh
Ksraum bijam me sirah pati candra varno maha manuh
"Ugram Viram Maha Visnum Jvalantam Sarvatomukham
Nrsimham Bhisanam Bhadram Mrtyu Mrtyum Namamy Aham"
Dva Trimsad aksaro mantro mantra rajah sura drumah
Kantham patu dhruvam ksraum hrd bhagavate caksusi mama
Narasimhaya ca jvala maline patu mastakam
Dipta damstraya ca tatha agni netraya ca nasikam
Sarva Rakso ghnaya sarva bhuta vinasanaya ca
Sarva jvara vinasaya daha daha paca dvayam
Raksa Raksa sarva mantra svaha patu mukham mama
Taradi Ramacandraya namah payad gudam mama
Klim Payat pani yugmam ca taram namah padam tatah
Narayanaya parsvam ca am hrim kraum ksraum ca hum phat
Varaksarah katim patu om namah bhagavate padam
Vasudevaya ca prstham klim krsnaya uru dvaram
Klim krsnaya sada patu januni ca manuttamah
Klim glaum klim syamalangaya namah payat pada dvaram
Ksraum narasimhaya ksraum ca sarvangam me sadavatu
Iti te kathitam vatsa sarva mantraugha vigraham
tava snehan myakhyatam pravaktavyam na kasyacit
Guru pujam vidhayatha grhniyat kavacam tatah
sarva punya yuto bhutva sarva siddhi yuto bhavet
Satam astottaram caiva purascarya vidhih smrtah
Havanadin dasamsena krtva sadhaka sattamah
Tatas tu siddha kavacah punyatma madanopaman
Sparddham uddhuya bhavane laksmir vani vaset tatah
Puspanjalyastakam dattva mulenaiva pathet sakrt
Api Varsa sahasranam pujayah phalam apnuyat
Bhurje vilkhya gutikam svarnastham dharayed yadi
Kanthe va daksine bahau narasimho bhavet svayam
Yosid vama bhuje caiva puruso daksine kare
Vibhryat kavacam punyam sarva siddhi yuto bhavet
Kaka vandhya ca ya nari mrta vatsa ca ya bhavet
Janma vandhya nasta putra bahu putravati bhavet
Kavacasya prasadena jivan mukto bhaven narah
Trilokyam ksobhayaty eva trailokya vijayi bhavet
Bhuta preta pisacas ca raksasa danava ca ye
Tam drstva prapalayante desad desantaram dhruvam
Yasmin gehe ca kavacam grame va yadi tisthati
Tam desantu parityajya prayanti catidurantah
Shri Ganapati Gurupada kamala, Prema sahita shiranaya I
Navagraha chalIsa kahata,Sharada hohu sahaya II
Jaya jaya Ravi Shashi Soma Budha,jaya guru bhragu shani raja I
Jayati rahu aru ketu graha, karahu anugraha aaja II
Shree Surya (Sun) Stuti
Prathamahi ravi kaha.N navau matha, karahu kRipA jana jaani anatha I
Hey Aditya divakara bhanU, mai matimanda maha agyanU I
Aba nija jana kahan harahu kalesha,Dinkara dvadasha rupa dinesha I
Namami bhaskara surya prabhakara,arka mitra agha mogha shmakara I
Shree Chandra (Moon) Stuti
shashi mayaNka rajanipati swami, Chandra kalanidhi namo namami I
Rakapati Himanshu Rakesha, pranavata jana tana harahu kalesha I
Soma Indu vidhu shanti sudhakara,shita rashmi aushadhi nishakara I
Tumahi shobhita wsundar bhala mahesha,sharana sharana jana harahu kalesha I
Shree Mangala (Mars) Stuti
Jaya jaya Mangala sukha daata,lauhita bhaumadika vikhyata I
Angaraka kuja ruja Rinahari, daya karahu yahi vinaya hamarI I
Hey mahisuta Chitisuta sukharasi,lohitanga jaya jana aghanasii I
Agama amangala aba hara lIjai,sakala manoratha poorana kije I
Shree Budha (Mercury) Stuti
Jaya shashi nandana budha maharaja,karahu sakala jana kahaN shubha kaja I
Dijai buddhi sumati sujana, kathina kasta hari hari kalyana I
Hey tarasuta rohiNI naMdana, chandra suvana duhkha dwand nikandana I
Pujahu asa dass kaha swami,pranata pala prabhu namo namami I
Shree Brashpati (Jupiter) Stuti
Jayati jayati jaya shri guru deva,karahu sada tumhari prabhu seva I
Devacharya deva guru gyani,Indra purohita vidya dani I
Vachaspati bagisa udara,jeeva brashaspati naama tumhara I
VidyA sindhu angia naama,karahu sakala vidhi puran kama I
Shree Shukra (Venus) Stuti
Shukradeva tava pada tala jala jatta,dassa nirantara dhyana lagata I
Hey ushena bhargava bhRagunandana, daitya purohita dushTa nikandana I
BhRagukul bhUsana dusana haari,harahu nesta graha karahu sukharIi I
Tuhi dwijvar joshi sirtaja, nar shareer ke tumhi raja I
Shree Shani (Saturn) Stuti
Jaya shree Shani deva ravinandana,jaya kriShno sauri jagavandana I
Pingala manda raudra yama nama,vaphra adi konastha lalama I
Vakra dristi pipala tana saja, shana maha karata ranka shana raja I
Lalta svarna pada karata nihala,karahu vijaya Chaya ke lala I
Shree Rahu Stuti
Jaya jaya rahu gagana pravisaiya, tumahi chandra aditya grasaiya I
Ravi shashi ari svarbhanu dhara,shikhi adi bahu naama tumhara I
Saihinkeya nishachara raja,ardhakaya jag rakhahu laja I
Yadi graha samaya paya kahin avahu,sada shanti rahi sukha upajavahu I
Shree Ketu Stuti
Jaya jaya ketu kathina dukhahari,karahu srijana hetu mangalakari I
Dhvajayuta ruNda rupa vikarala, ghora raudratana adhamana kala I
Shikhi tarika graha balavana, mahapratapa na teja thikana I
Vahana mina maha shubhakari,deejai shanti daya ura dhari I
Navagraha Shanti Phal
Teerathraj prayag supasa, bassai Rama ke sundar dassa I
Kakra gramhin puray-tiwari, duvashram jana kashta utarana setu I
nava-graha shanti likhyo sukha hetu, jana tana kashTa utarana setu I
Jo nita paTha karai chita lavai, saba sukha bhogi parama padapavai I
Dhanya navagraha deva prabhu, mahima agama apara I
Chita nava mangala moda graha, jagata janana sukha dvara I
Yeh Chalisa navograha vicharit sndardasa I
Padat premayut badat sukha, sarvanda hulasa II
really insipiring ,i felt like i was studying under a age old swamy teaching me my daily
ReplyDeleterites thanks